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Nature Home (basic details about nature home)

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Nature Home (basic details about nature home)


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  • 2024-06-24 20:01:35

    1. In 2012, the Guangzhou Construction Expo launched an integrated home furnishing pavilion. As one of the representative enterprises with a variety of product lines, Nature Home Furnishing has settled in together with brands such as Oupai, Dinggu and Shangpin Home Furnishing.

    2. In 2016, the "Nature" brand of Nature Home Furnishings continued to be No.1 in the flooring industry with a brand value of 27.935 billion yuan.

    3. At present, Nature Home has more than 5000 terminal stores across the country, including flooring, wooden doors, cabinets, wardrobe, overall home decoration and wallpaper.

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