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Coreldraw instance (basic details about coreldraw instance)

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Coreldraw instance (basic details about coreldraw instance)


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  • 2024-06-27 04:01:36

    1. The introduction of the content "CorelDRAW12 Wonderful Example Interpretation" introduces to the readers in detail various methods and techniques of graphic design using CorelDRAW12 through 25 exquisite examples.

    2. "Design Ideas" and "Production Guide" are arranged before the production of each chapter of CorelDRAW Wonderful Examples to help readers clarify their learning ideas and objectives.

    3. CorelDRAW Wonderful Example Interpretation is suitable for people from all walks of life who are interested in computer art creation. In addition, it can also be used as a training material for related majors and social education fields of various secondary technical schools.

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