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Suiren's wood drilling and fire making (basic details about Suiren's wood drilling and fire making)

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Suiren's wood drilling and fire making (basic details about Suiren's wood drilling and fire making)


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  • 2024-06-18 20:01:37

    1. Suiren's taking fire is one of the ancient Chinese myths and legends.

    2. It is said that more than 10000 years ago, the Suiren family invented drilling wood to make fire in Suiming State (today's Shangqiu area in Henan Province), which opened the origin of Chinese civilization.

    3. Once upon a time, in a very, very far western place, there was a country called Suiming.

    4. This place is so remote and remote that the sun's light and the moon's silver glow cannot be seen everywhere. It can be said that the sun can't be seen day and night.

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