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Dolomite (basic details about Dolomite)

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Dolomite (basic details about Dolomite)


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  • 2024-06-29 19:01:35

    1. Dolomiti Ski Resort is located in Xiqueliang, Sitaizui Township, Chongli County, 226km away from Beijing.

    2. It is 18 kilometers away from the county seat, surrounded by nine mountains above 2000 meters, and the terrain spans from 150 meters to 2174 meters above sea level.

    3. The snow covers an area of more than 300000 square meters, and the natural snow with a thickness of more than 1.5 meters and a snow storage time of 150 days form a rare natural snow vein.

    4. It has 10 primary, middle and advanced ski trails, wild ski trails, cat jump trails and wave trails with a total length of more than 12 kilometers, and has a variety of ski entertainment areas such as fashionable and avant-garde ski parks, forest trails and children's parks. It is one of the national ski training bases.


    2024-06-29 19:01:35

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