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The next sentence to eliminate the king's world affairs (basic details of the next sentence to eliminate the king's world affairs)

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The next sentence to eliminate the king's world affairs (basic details of the next sentence to eliminate the king's world affairs)


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  • 2024-06-18 20:01:37

    1. Breaking the Battle Period and Giving Zhuang Ci to Chen Tongfu for Posting is the work of Xin Qiji, a poet in the Song Dynasty.

    2. This word expresses the author's ideal of killing the enemy, serving the country and recovering the lost land, and expresses the sad and indignant mood of the hero in his late years by recalling the heroic lineup and spirit of the anti gold army in his early years and his own life on the battlefield; By creating a magnificent artistic conception, it vividly depicts the image of a general who is indomitable, loyal and courageous.

    3. The whole word breaks the rules in structure. The first nine sentences have the same meaning, the last sentence has the same meaning, and the last sentence negates the first nine sentences. The first nine sentences are written fluently, just to increase the disappointment of the last five words. This artistic technique reflects the bold and unconstrained style and original spirit of Xin Ci.


    2024-06-18 20:01:37

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