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The Legend of the Five Rams (introduction to the basic details of the legend of the Five Rams)

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The Legend of the Five Rams (introduction to the basic details of the legend of the Five Rams)


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  • 2024-06-18 22:01:36

    1. The Wuyang Legend is a mythical and legendary story about the ancient Guangzhou City. It is the source of Guangzhou's nicknames Wuyang City, Yangcheng, Suicheng, some city names and many local brand names.

    2. The Tang poetry has begun to use Wuyang as the title of Guangzhou City, while the legend can be traced back to the records of the Jin Dynasty. There are several slightly different versions, which were basically finalized after the Ming Dynasty.

    3. Nowadays, "Wuyang" and "Yangcheng" have become the synonyms of Guangzhou.

    4. It is generally believed that the legend of Wuyang represents the history of the ancestors in the Central Plains who explored Lingnan.

    5. In 2007, the legend of Wuyang was included in the first batch of representative works of intangible cultural heritage in Guangzhou.


    2024-06-18 22:01:36

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