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Is there a service charge for cross provincial withdrawal (is there a service charge for cross provincial withdrawal)

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Is there a service charge for cross provincial withdrawal (is there a service charge for cross provincial withdrawal)


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  • 2024-06-14 11:01:39

    1. Whether cross provincial withdrawal requires a service charge depends on whether the user withdraws money across provinces or across banks and provinces. If the user withdraws money across provinces, the service charge will be waived. In case of inter-bank and inter provincial withdrawal, a service fee will be charged.

    2. Abstract: Whether cross provincial withdrawal requires a service charge depends on whether the user is cross provincial withdrawal or cross provincial withdrawal. If the user is cross provincial withdrawal, the service charge will be exempted. In case of inter-bank and inter provincial withdrawal, a service fee will be charged. Whether cross provincial withdrawal requires a service charge depends on whether the user withdraws money across provinces or across banks and provinces. If the user withdraws money across provinces, the service charge will be waived. In case of inter-bank and inter provincial withdrawal, a service fee will be charged.

    3. Inter bank withdrawal requires a service charge, which is as follows:

    4. 1. The service charge for ICBC's card cross regional inter-bank withdrawal is 0.5% of the transaction amount (the maximum charge is 50)+4 yuan;

    5. 2. The service charge for non local inter-bank withdrawal of card of Agricultural Bank of China is 0.5% of the transaction amount (maximum 50)+4 yuan;

    6. 3. The service charge for cross regional inter-bank withdrawal of CCB card is 1% of the transaction amount+2 yuan, and the minimum charge for each transaction is 4 yuan;

    7. 4. The service charge for cross bank card withdrawal of Bank of China is 0.5% of the transaction amount, and the charge is between 4 and 50 yuan;

    8. 5. The service charge for non local inter-bank withdrawal of China Merchants Bank's card is 0.5% of the transaction amount (the maximum charge is 50)+4 yuan.

    9. Inter bank withdrawal is to withdraw money from your non deposit bank, which is usually used for ATM withdrawal. For example, if you hold the card of Bank of Communications to withdraw money from ICBC, it is an inter-bank withdrawal.

    10. Inter bank withdrawals generally charge a handling fee ranging from 2 to 50 yuan per transaction. Some banks do not charge a handling fee for the first 2 to 3 inter bank withdrawals per month. Since July 25, 2010, the service charge for intra city inter-bank withdrawal of four major banks, namely, construction, engineering, China and agriculture, has risen to 4 yuan per transaction, and some joint-stock banks have followed suit.

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