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Lieta Lake (basic details about Lieta Lake)

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Lieta Lake (basic details about Lieta Lake)


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  • 2024-06-30 03:00:00

    1. Lieta Lake Scenic Spot is located in Jiulong County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. It is a mountain, water, forest, and Lieta Lake scenic spot composed of primitive forests, plateau lakes, alpine meadows, numerous wild animals and plants, and magical mountains and rocks. It mainly includes three scenic spots, Pearl Falls, Alphabet River, and Lieta Lake. The scenery is different and fascinating.

    2. Lieta Lake Scenic Spot is located in the north of the county seat, about 35km away from the county seat. The altitude of the scenic spot is more than 3000m, and the annual average temperature is 4.9 ℃. It integrates primitive forests, plateau lakes, alpine meadows, and many wild animals and plants.

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