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Chinese Metaphysics (basic details about Chinese Metaphysics)

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Chinese Metaphysics (basic details about Chinese Metaphysics)


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  • 2024-06-25 01:00:00

    1. The five metaphysics refers to mountain, medicine, life, physiognomy and divination.

    2. More popular: practice, Chinese medicine, fortune telling, physiognomy, divination.

    3. The five arts are an extremely important part of Chinese traditional Taoist culture. Metaphysics is the "profound learning". The Zhouyi, Laozi and Zhuangzi are called "three metaphysics".

    4. The "metaphysics" of metaphysics comes from Lao Tzu's thought, "metaphysics is also metaphysics, and the door to all wonders".

    5. Xuan is the general law "Tao" of all things in the world, which reflects the infinite and mysterious change of all things.


    2024-06-25 01:00:00

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