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Introduction to Xinyi Specialty (Xuzhou Xinyi Specialty Collection)

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Introduction to Xinyi Specialty (Xuzhou Xinyi Specialty Collection)


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  • 2024-06-14 18:01:39

    1. Xinyi honey peach

    2. Yaowan Mung Bean Shaojiu

    3. Balsam hoof

    4. Bashan Noodle Paste

    5. Shaodian Chestnut

    6. Xinyi Luoma Lake whitebait

    7. Dongpo Gives Back Meat

    8. Jiang Family Braid Hot Soup

    9. Luoma Lake Shrimp

    10. Luoma Lake Crab

    11. Shagou sesame oil

    12. Winter peach

    13. Osmanthus Hawthorn Cake

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