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Play more in the Devil Kingdom (basic details about playing more in the Devil Kingdom)

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Play more in the Devil Kingdom (basic details about playing more in the Devil Kingdom)


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  • 2024-07-01 10:00:00

    1. Devil Land Mobile Game is a new MMO action mobile game jointly issued by Chengdu Xishan Jushiyou Technology Co., Ltd. and Fujian NetDragon Computer Network Information Technology Co., Ltd. It was officially released on October 18, 2017.

    2. The game tells the story of the demonic empire growing up again and preparing to take revenge on mankind.

    3. Players can play warrior, magician, power, blood clan, necromancer, dark dragon knight and other professions to drive out the demon clan and save the world together with humans.

    4. The game has combat training elements such as pet system, magic weapon system and gem system, and also introduces PVP playing methods such as family war and legion war.


    2024-07-01 10:00:00

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