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The Heart Mantra of the Tripitaka Sutra (Basic details about the Heart Mantra of the Tripitaka Sutra)

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The Heart Mantra of the Tripitaka Sutra (Basic details about the Heart Mantra of the Tripitaka Sutra)


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  • 2024-06-19 21:02:25

    1. The Tripitaka Bodhisattva, or the Tripitaka King Bodhisattva, whose Sanskrit name is Ksitigarbha, has been translated into "Qicha Dizhisha" by Zeng Yin, and the more accurate Chinese translation should be Keshidi Gahpo.

    2. According to the Tripitaka Ten Wheel Classic, it is named as Tripitaka because it "can stand still like the earth and meditate deeply like a secret".

    3. The King of Earth Tibet Bodhisattva has a deep affinity with all beings in the Saha world, so it is incredible to recite the mantra of the King of Earth Tibet Bodhisattva.

    4. To recite the mantra of the King of Earth, the most important thing is to adhere to the principle of single-minded and sincere; If you accept the Dharma, you will be able to experience suffering and nirvana. You will be supported by all Buddhas, and everything will be good.

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