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Memory of Autumn 4 (basic details about Memory of Autumn 4)

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Memory of Autumn 4 (basic details about Memory of Autumn 4)


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  • 2024-06-19 22:00:00

    1. Memory of Autumn - From now on (Then), that is, Memories Off ~ Memories Off ~ Memories 4, after "Memories Off 2nd" and "Memories of Autumn Series", is regarded as the latest sequel of the peak masterpiece of the memory series of autumn: Memories of Autumn 4 was introduced again.

    2. The story of the game combines the dream of the first and second generations with the realistic style of "missing the king", and pursues eternal love between lies and truth.

    3. The temporal and spatial background of this work is still the Thousand Feather Valley and Hakusaka School Park that players are familiar with. The second generation popular heroine, Bai He Ying, also appears in this work again as a sister.

    4. The soft and beautiful painting style and melancholy music interweave a light sadness. The moving story, which is more powerful from generation to generation, will once again arouse the tears in the eyes of players!


    2024-06-19 22:00:00

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