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Eight Trunks in West Fujian (Fujian specialty)

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Eight Trunks in West Fujian (Fujian specialty)


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  • 2024-06-14 17:02:30

    Changting Dried Tofu "Chinese tofu is also a delicious food, ranking first in the world." This is the last sentence in Qu Qiubai's "Unnecessary Words" written in Changting prison. Qu Qiubai's praise of tofu has something to do with the fact that he often eats Changting tofu in prison. According to Tianlu's Understanding of Yu, tofu was first created by Liu An (79-122 BC), the king of Huainan in the Western Han Dynasty, and has a history of more than 2000 years. Changting Dried Tofu dates back to the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, with a history of more than 1200 years. Changting tofu is different from other regions in its preparation method. It uses sour milk as the medium, and the heat is properly controlled during the preparation. The big dipper filled with sour milk is slowly injected into the soybean milk to make the tofu curd slowly coagulate, and then it is made by filtering and pressing. Therefore, Changting tofu is fresh, tender and delicious, neither sour nor bitter. All kinds of food made with it, such as Dongpo tofu, fermented tofu, silver purse, tofu dumplings, raw boiled water filled pills, Huizhou pills, etc., have unique flavor and are never tired of eating for a long time. Changting Dried Tofu, the first of the eight dried tofu products in Tingzhou, is famous for its fine production, exquisite ingredients, unique flavor, delicious taste. Zhu Liangzu, the general of Zhu Yuanzhang in the Ming Dynasty, led troops to garrison in Tingzhou. After eating Changting's dried tofu, he greatly appreciated it. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Tingzhou Zuoying transferred Qiu Hong, the general manager, to Taiwan and promoted him to 1000 general managers. After nostalgic for his hometown style dried bean curd, he wrote a letter and remitted a toll to his relatives who are good at making dried bean curd in Hetian, asking him to go to Taiwan to make dried bean curd. There are many simple and beautiful villages in Changting, which are located in the high mountains. "The green warblers sing for thousands of miles and the red ones reflect the red, and the water village has a wine flag". No matter the size of the village, there must be a small shop operated with dried tofu and wine. Local simple farmers, mushroom farmers in Zhejiang Province, gold diggers in Jiangxi Province and tourists from all over the country like to buy a bowl of rice wine, a piece of dried tofu, and drink and chew slowly after passing the hotel. Dried tofu is fragrant, salty, sweet and tough, which makes you aftertaste. Liancheng dried sweet potato can be found in all counties of western Fujian, but Liancheng dried sweet potato is famous for its unique raw materials and production methods. It is made of red heart sweet potatoes cultivated across fields, across rivers, Jiele, Daping, Liwu, Hongshan and other places, so it is also called red heart sweet potatoes. These villages have soft soil, moderate acid and alkali, and suitable climate, which is very suitable for the growth of this sweet potato. This kind of dried sweet potato retains its natural color and quality. It is yellow in color and red in color. It tastes fragrant and sweet. It is soft and chewy, and has a high content of glucose and vitamins A and B. The production method is generally to steam and peel the whole sweet potato, then press and bake it. It can be preserved for several years after being made. It can be used as a snack or cut into small pieces, mixed with flour, eggs, spices, fried and dipped with icing sugar powder as a famous feast dish. Therefore, Liancheng dried sweet potato is really a good gift for relatives and friends. Mingxi dried meat jerky Mingxi dried meat jerky is made by marinating lean beef in flour soy sauce, adding cloves, fennel, cinnamon, sugar and other ingredients, hanging in a ventilated place to dry after a week or so, and then putting it into a baking room for smoking and roasting. It has good color, fragrance and taste after being made. It is both tough and easy to chew. It tastes sweet and delicious. In addition to dried meat, there are dried meat floss. On the surface, it looks light yellow and loose, just like a light wild rice. On the entrance, it is fragrant and sweet. It is a delicacy with meals. It was listed as a tribute to Shangjing in the Qing Dynasty. Ninghua Mouse Dried Ninghua Mouse Dried is actually a dried vole, which is processed from artificially captured voles. According to Cihai, "Voles are mammals and hamsters. Their hair is generally dark grayish brown, and some are sandy yellow. They live in digging soil and are harmful to crops." Ninghua is a mountainous agricultural county with wide fields, so there are many voles. Every winter is the best time for farmers in Ninghua to catch rats, especially after the beginning of winter. The method of catching mice is simple, and most of them use "bamboo trap". In the evening, people carry mousetraps and use rice or rice as bait to look for mouse paths in the fields and mountains. When they meet mouse paths or mouse holes, they put mousetraps on them and go to retrieve them in the next morning. The capture rate is generally about 3/10, and in case of frost, the capture rate can reach more than 5/10. When the rat catching season comes, teenagers also take rat catching as a kind of fun, so there are more young people engaged in rat catching. The first way to process dried voles is to remove their hair. Put the captured rats in a pot, steam them with hot water, or bake them in hot wood ash. As long as the fire is well controlled and the warning is given, the rat hair can be pulled out completely. The second is to cut the abdomen to remove its intestines and wash it with water. Finally, smoke and roast with rice husk or rice bran, and wait until it is sauce yellow. The dried vole is not only delicious, but also high in protein and nutrition. Especially, it has the function of tonifying the kidney, and has significant curative effect on frequent urination or child bed wetting, so it has certain medicinal value. Because the local people generally like dried mice, there has always been a saying of "dried mice pork price". When winter comes, people almost take eating dried mice as a kind of enjoyment. Most of them are cooked with pork, winter bamboo shoots, garlic, ginger, water wine, and fried. Especially for those who love drinking, they regard it as the best wine matching. Qingxi Dried Bamboo Shoots Qingliu Dried Bamboo Shoots is made of newly unearthed dried bamboo shoots, called "Min Bamboo Shoots Tip". It is golden in color, translucent in shape, famous for its tender, sweet and crisp appearance. It was listed as a tribute to Shangjing in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Many famous dishes, such as "Braised Sansi" and "Royal Steamed Pork", are indispensable to Fujian dried bamboo shoots. Shanghang Dried Radish Shanghang Dried Radish enjoyed a high reputation as early as the early Ming Dynasty, with a history of more than 500 years. Shanghang is the main origin of radish in western Fujian. The turnips produced in Shuinan, Zhangtan and Tupu near the suburbs are red and white, fresh, crisp and sweet. The dried radish is golden in color, tender in skin and crisp in meat, sweet and delicious. It can be fried, stewed, fried, or soaked and diluted, and then added with sugar and sour vinegar as a cold dish at a banquet. Therefore, historical records record that it "sells well in Fujian and Guangdong". Dried radish is usually made around the winter solstice, which involves three processes: drying, pickling and hiding. Pull out the radish and wash it, dry it slightly and put it into a large wooden barrel. Fill it with radish and salt, cover it, and then press a large stone. After a week, take it out to dry, rub off the moisture, and then dry it until water cannot be squeezed out. Then filter the salt water in the bucket and boil it, pour it into dried radish for soaking, rub it again while it is hot, squeeze out the salt water and dry it in the sun. When it turns golden yellow, put the dried radish into a clean jar for compaction, seal it with yellow mud, and take it out half a year later. In this way, it becomes Shanghang dried radish with unique flavor. Wuping pig bile dry Wuping pig bile dry is purple brown in color, fragrant and slightly sweet. It is a famous cold dish at a banquet. It contains a variety of carbohydrates and vitamins and other nutrients, with the effect of promoting fluid, strengthening stomach, cooling and detoxification. When eating, just steam it, put a layer of sesame oil on it while it is hot, cut it into thin slices after it is cold, and then mix a little garlic slices. It will be fragrant and lasting. Local people often use it as a good gift for entertaining guests and friends and giving gifts to relatives and friends. Hong Kong and Macao compatriots and overseas Chinese especially like this home flavor. Wuping dried pig bile is well made, with many processes and strong seasonality. It shall go through seven processes, namely, washing, batching, curing, drying, flattening, shaping and inspection. Select the fresh dark brown "glutinous rice pig liver", remove the pig bile, soak the whole in salt water of a certain concentration, add appropriate ingredients such as five spice powder, gaoliang wine, star anise, etc., after the bile penetrates into the liver, pick it up and hang it in the sun, and reshape it every 2-3 days. The pig bile thus made has beautiful appearance, symmetrical color, good taste and quality. The fine weather at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter is a good season for pig bile dry production. Yongding Dried Vegetable has a history of more than 400 years. It is not only famous inside and outside the province, but also influential among overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia. When Hu Wenhu, the "king of all oils", lived in Nanyang, he often asked people to take dried vegetables to his hometown. There are two kinds of Yongding dried vegetables: dried beet and dried pickled cabbage. The beet is black and shiny, and tastes sweet and delicious. When making, first wash the fresh mustard and sun it for 1-2 days until the leaves are soft, then use a steamer to fumigate, sun it after steaming, and then steam it after sun exposure for more than three times, which is called "three steaming and three sun exposure". Some of the fine processing needs seven steaming and seven drying. The dried pickled cabbage is yellow brown in color and tastes sour and sweet. When making, first wash the fresh mustard, then sun it and cut it into pieces, add salt and knead it into a jar to make it sour. After about a week, take it out and stew and dry it, then steam it in a steamer, dry it after steaming, steam it after sun exposure, and steam it for more than two times before collecting. Yongding dried vegetables are delicious with meat fried, stewed, steamed and boiled.

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