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Introduction to Gobang Rules

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Introduction to Gobang Rules


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  • 2024-06-13 15:01:37

    1. Gobang usually uses black and white pieces on both sides, and an empty board starts the game. Black chess pieces are played first, white chess pieces are played later, and only one piece can be played at a time. It is the right of both parties to take turns to lower down, but either party is allowed to give up the right to lower down, and the one who forms five sub connections first wins.

    2. When playing chess, each player must place the pieces on the blank cross point of the chessboard by hand. The black side is the first, the white side is the second, and the pieces are placed alternately. Only one piece can be played at a time. In the definition of "one move", it is stipulated that "no matter whether the hand of the player has left the chess piece, it is called" one move ". Its meaning is to take root, not to move, not to pull, not to push the chessmen on the chessboard. When we play chess at ordinary times, we should pay attention to cultivating the good habit of playing chess.

    3. The rules stipulate that the chess player has the right to pass, that is, the right to give up playing chess. However, you have the right to resume playing chess after the other player plays chess again. Otherwise, a pass by the player may mean a loss. If one party fails to pass, the other party will take the next two steps. If a violation is found, the second child will be taken back.

    4. Implement the rule that the black side designates the opening game, three hands can be exchanged, and five hands can play two. The black side has forbidden hands, and the white side has no forbidden hands. There are three kinds of black ban: three three ban, four four ban and long continuous ban. Black side won five consecutive victories; The white side won five consecutive games or pointed out that the black side won by taking a ban.

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