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What do you mean when you meet someone badly? (There are several meanings of being unkind)

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What do you mean when you meet someone badly? (There are several meanings of being unkind)


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  • 2024-06-16 02:01:35

    There are two meanings of being unhappy:

    1. The original meaning is that women do not marry good men, and the husband has a poor character.

    2. Now it is often used to refer to people who have bad behaviors in the process of interpersonal communication.

    "When people are unhappy" is from "The Book of Songs, Wang Feng, Gu Youdang": "Women will scream when they divorce. It's OK to meet people even if it's noisy." "Shu" means kindness and kindness, which means good morality. This word is mostly used for women, and sometimes it can also be used among friends.


    2024-06-16 02:01:35

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