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Old County Pass

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Old County Pass


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  • 2024-06-17 10:00:00

    1. The old county pass, also known as Qianyou Pass, was located in Zhashui County.

    2. It was set up in the Northern Song Dynasty, named after its location in the old city of Qianyou County, and abolished in the Qing Dynasty.

    3. According to the Annals of Zhen'an County, "The old county pass, one hundred and five miles north of today's county town, was guarded by old participating generals; at the beginning of the Qianlong period, the participating generals were cut off, and a guerrilla unit and a battalion were set up, which became the throat of the south road of Shengyuan. In the eighth year of Jiaqing, the Xiaoyi Hall was moved here. Today, Zhashui County governs the city, which is its hometown.


    The introduction of the old county pass in this article is over, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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