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Ionization degree (basic details about ionization degree)

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Ionization degree (basic details about ionization degree)


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  • 2024-06-06 15:00:00

    1. Ionization degree is a physical quantity indicating the ionization degree of weak electrolyte in water.

    2. Different weak electrolytes have different degrees of ionization in water, which is generally expressed by ionization degree and ionization constant.

    3. Ionization degree - the percentage of the number of ionized electrolyte molecules in the original total number of molecules (including ionized and non ionized) when the weak electrolyte reaches ionization equilibrium in the solution.

    4. That is, the degree of ionization indicates the degree of dissociation of weak acids and bases in solution.

    The basic details of ionization degree in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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