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What is the next sentence of a prayer in one session when the meeting is fixed (the meeting is fixed)

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What is the next sentence of a prayer in one session when the meeting is fixed (the meeting is fixed)


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  • 2024-06-13 19:00:00

    1. It means that things are impermanent, and there is no feast that does not end. Those who meet will stay away from each other. Every time they pray, there will be a kind of impermanence in the world. Every meeting will be regarded as a gift from heaven.

    2. Cherish the present, wish to see you again next time, and thank God for his gift. "One prayer for one period" is Japanese, also known as "one prayer for one period". It is a series of tea ceremony activities, including four steps of water, food, talk and tea, to make the pavilion owner and the host and guest, and the follower calm down and clear their minds when they finish.

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