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String beans (Yiliang County specialty)

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String beans (Yiliang County specialty)


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  • 2024-06-14 20:00:00

    Green beans, also known as red beans in Zhaotong City. It is an annual herb belonging to kidney beans. Its stems are creeping or upright. It has yellow or light colored flowers. Its pods contain several oval seeds. It has been cultivated in the area for many years. The cultivated land in the whole region is widely distributed. It is generally intercropped or interplanted with corn or potato, with an average annual output of about 10 million kg. Red bean is rich in nutrients, including protein, vitamins and trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus and iron. It is one of the main vegetables for urban and rural people in Zhaotong area. Especially in Zhenxiong, Yiliang and Weixin counties, people like to make "red bean pickled cabbage soup". "red bean pickled cabbage soup" is not only a major feature of rural life in this area, In addition, they also have ideological and emotional ties with many overseas tourists. People in Zhenxiong and Yiliang County, who currently live in Taiwan, Hong Kong and other places, feel homesick when they think of "red bean pickled vegetable soup". Letters sent to their hometown reveal this feeling. In addition, in Zhaotong City, the "crisp red bean", which was first created by chef Li Zhifang since 1942, is also very famous. This dish has the characteristics of bright red color, crisp bean flavor, hot and sour taste. Today, it is still a favorite dish in people's lives. (Zhaotong)

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