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Shenyang Normal University Junior College (basic details about Shenyang Normal University Junior College)

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Shenyang Normal University Junior College (basic details about Shenyang Normal University Junior College)


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  • 2024-06-29 20:01:35

    1. Vocational and Technical College of Shenyang Normal University is a provincial public vocational and technical college established on the basis of the original Liaoning Grain School approved by the provincial government in 2000.

    2. The new campus of the college is located at No. 253, Huanghe North Street, Shenyang, on the east side of the campus of Shenyang Normal University, covering an area of 172000 square meters, with a building area of 80000 square meters. There are comprehensive teaching buildings, experimental buildings, art buildings, lecture halls, student apartments, student restaurants, stadiums, etc., and many resources can be shared with Shenyang Normal University.


    2024-06-29 20:01:35

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