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Mink (about the basic details of Mink)

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Mink (about the basic details of Mink)


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  • 2024-06-26 08:01:35

    1. Martes (scientific name: Martes): a genus of carnivore Mustelidae.

    2. There are 8 species in total, including 2 species in North America and 6 species in Eurasia.

    3. The body is slender and the limbs are short.

    4. Body length 40-56cm, tail length 15-17cm, weight 0.5-0.75kg; The tail is short and fluffy; The fur of the whole body is brown to brown black, and the throat has large color spots.

    5. Japanese marten is only produced in Japan, yellow throated marten is found all over Asia, and sable is a typical species of cold zone coniferous forest.

    6. Minks live in forest and mountain areas and live in semi arboreal life.

    7. They are able to hunt for food day and night, but most of them are at night.

    8. Usually, they hide in caves to sleep and rest during the day, and go out at night, especially in the morning and evening.

    9. Live alone.

    10. Vision and hearing are very sharp, quick, good at climbing, like climbing trees, and jumping on the ground is also very smart.

    11. It mainly eats small vertebrates, mainly rats, birds, hares and marmots. It also eats amphibians and small reptiles. It also eats plant food such as nuts and berries in autumn.

    12. All are distributed in the Northern Hemisphere.


    2024-06-26 08:01:35

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