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How to choose undercover action in Guild Wars 2 (is Guild Wars 2 fun)

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How to choose undercover action in Guild Wars 2 (is Guild Wars 2 fun)


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  • 2024-06-13 22:01:39

    The main reason for Guild Wars 2 is that the game concept is different from most role-playing games, or even the opposite. If you want to play this game, you must first change your mind, that is, give up traditional game thinking, and don't use traditional game thinking and traditional playing methods to feel this game. Otherwise, it is hard to have the motivation to play, and it is not a niche game.

    Game mode: The common game playing methods are more traditional, mainly focusing on killing monsters and upgrading, dropping and picking up, and upgrading equipment. Guild Wars 2 focuses on exploration, adventure, decryption and collection. Other contents are similar with little difference.

    Kill and drop: The monsters without event tasks have little experience. Killing BOSS will not drop any usable equipment even for a few years, but will harvest money and materials. The acquisition of equipment is mainly through the collection, decomposition and exchange of materials, which can also be purchased in shopping malls, and the price is almost the same as the production cost. So Excitement 2 will not let players put too much energy into equipment. After reaching level 80, no one has a sense of superiority in equipment. Everyone is equal, and everything depends on operating awareness. If you think there is no need for top equipment, and you are not interested in and motivated by other content, it only means that you are not suitable for playing Guild Wars 2.

    Team cooperation: traditional games focus on highlighting the individual strength, and the self strength is consolidated with the support of teammates, and the strong and strong work together to drive the team. Guild battle 2 is to give up self-improvement, assist teammates to become stronger, and balance the overall strength of the team. There are great differences in in-depth experience, especially in the WVW battlefield. The team works well, and ten people can abuse a hundred people.

    Hate mechanism: traditional games are the latest, and the highest output of hatred. Guild Wars 2 is anti human, with the strongest armor and the farthest distance. Not exactly, but almost. Don't think it's easy to hide far away!

    Introduction: Very few, even none. However, many playing methods are very difficult, and it is all up to players to explore and innovate. There are some scattered online, but they are not accurate, detailed, and perfect. What is suitable for others may not be suitable for yourself. It must be said that this is also one of the most playable features of Guild Wars 2. You may play until you want to cry.

    Epic dynamic: very grand, very huge, and extremely fine! Every NPC who greets you on the roadside, or every skeleton lying on the roadside, may have a dozen pages of tragic history and context into the casual before and after the game.

    World leader: The amount of HP is proportional to the number of people involved in killing. Generally, you need to clear the pre event to trigger or kill. There are fixed time and time limits for triggering and killing, and no good things fall. If there are good things, the rate of loss is extremely low. But it must be reminded that this is the main way to obtain many untransferable currencies or badges.

    World map: It is very big, with unique holes, easy to get lost, easy to die of all kinds, and dangerous, beyond imagination. However, the scenery is extremely beautiful, and the 3D movie level experience is absolutely first-class. Each map can accommodate 150 people. When it is full, another line on the same map will be automatically opened. When there are few people, it will be closed 60 minutes in advance.

    Social content: only friends and guild system, lacking attraction and cohesion mechanism. The organization and management of team activities are very difficult and weak, and the promotion and promotion depend on the official website activities. Almost all the players are in the state of savage soldiers. A content that needs to be improved.

    Charging form: buyout system. Each new expansion needs to be bought out, at least in the early stage. It will be a long time if it is free later. You can enjoy additional rewards and convenient services when you purchase periodic titles and upgrade titles.

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