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The Mystery of the Cao Family's Rise (About the Mystery of the Cao Family's Rise)

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The Mystery of the Cao Family's Rise (About the Mystery of the Cao Family's Rise)


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  • 2024-06-17 00:01:35

    1. "A Dream of Red Mansions" is known as an extraordinary book. Its magic is reflected in the book, suggesting the political situation of the Kang, Yong and Qian dynasties.

    2. The rise and fall of the author Cao Xueqin's family is closely related to its honor and disgrace, so to understand the Dream of the Red Chamber, we must first understand the secret of Cao Xueqin's family background. Mr. Zhou Ling, the writer of the August 7th TV series Dream of the Red Chamber, told us about the family background of the Cao family.

    The introduction of this article about the mystery of the Cao family's rise is over, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-17 00:01:35

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