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Michaelis Menten Line (introduction to basic details of Michaelis Menten Line)

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Michaelis Menten Line (introduction to basic details of Michaelis Menten Line)


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  • 2024-06-06 04:01:36

    1. An An delivers rice is a Chinese folklore.

    2. It is a part of the Ming legend "The Story of Leaping Carps".

    3. Jiang Shi, a scholar, mistakenly believed slander and was forced by his mother to abandon his wife Pang Sanniang.

    4. Sanniang had no face to return to her mother's home and had to stay in the nunnery.

    5. His son An An is seven years old. He misses his mother and hides from his grandmother. He goes to An to serve his mother and asks her to go home again and again.

    6. Although Sanniang had the heart to love her son, she was forced by feudal etiquette and law to refuse to return, so she had to politely persuade An'an to go home. Mother and son washed their tears and left.

    7. The writer is Li Zhipu.

    The basic details of Mie's line in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-06 04:01:36

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