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A Complete Collection of Jokes

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A Complete Collection of Jokes


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  • 2024-06-13 20:00:00

    1. In the morning, I went to buy breakfast and sell Chaos Store. I asked for two bowls. The boss said in the process of cooking: pack or take away? I was shocked. The boss said loudly whether to pack or take away? I trembled and said, can I eat here?

    2. One or two of my friends knew that the goddess was timid, so they finally asked the goddess out one night. After dinner, the two friends drove the goddess to the cemetery to express their feelings. They didn't agree and got off and walked home.

    3. A friend of Erhuo went bungee jumping once. He could jump twice after paying the money. After one jump, he said he would not jump. It was terrible. The climax came! The boss said no, you paid, and pushed her down again.

    4. I heard that my good friend Xiao Wang had a car accident, and he didn't even know his mother. I hurried to the hospital and looked at the bed. My tears came out at once.

    5. Did you fart? Let go! Did you shit? Yes, are you ready to eat? That's OK! The conversation between the nurse and his wife sounds so awkward after his wife's caesarean section.

    6. A few days ago, my brother moved his house and brought out a lot of garbage. My brother met a waste collector and asked him how much the paper cost per kilogram. He replied, Sanmao. My brother thought it over and said that it would be cheaper. The waste collector said that he would give you two cents. Are you two funny people invited by monkeys?

    7. The tortoise was injured. Let the snail buy medicine. Two hours later. The snail hasn't come back yet. The tortoise scolded in a hurry: I'll die if I don't come back! At this time, the voice of the snail came from outside the door: You said I'm not going!

    8. How many brothers did Aladdin have. Suddenly someone behind shouted, "Be careful, there is a car!", and the glass was pressed to the new year. The coffee cup is fine. Why? Answer: Because coffee cup has ears, glass cup does not

    9. Q: A medium rare steak and a medium rare steak met, but they didn't say hello. Why. Answer: Because they are unfamiliar

    10. One day, eggplant was walking in the street when she suddenly sneezed a lot. It wiped its snot and said angrily, "It's taking group photos again!"

    11. A village head went home after drinking too much and went into the pigsty by mistake. He lay down beside the sow and said, "Wife, pour me a glass of water. The sow hummed." The village head said, "If you don't pour, you can't pour.". Feel it casually and say: buy leather clothes, or double row buttons.

    12. Humor is an excellent regulator. A person with a sense of humor can often find happiness, difficulties, and eliminate troubles in difficult difficulties; Don't panic or get angry when encountering emergencies. Humor is an art of creating harmony. There is often humor in the family, which can harmonize feelings. Especially when there are angry and irritable emotions, nervous atmosphere, embarrassment and embarrassing scenes in the family, a proper humor can make all these things disappear. In a sense, it is the lubricant between people, which can make people's communication smooth and natural. Optimism can make people live longer. Humor is also good for health, making people live longer.

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