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Tuocha (a specialty of Menghai County)

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Tuocha (a specialty of Menghai County)


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  • 2024-06-14 18:01:39

    Yunnan Tuocha is a famous traditional tea at home and abroad. Tuocha is now produced by Yunnan Xiaguan Tea Factory and belongs to the category of pressing tea, also known as "Xiaguan Lun Tea". Its shape is like an inverted bowl, and there are two different specifications: one is to use Pu'er loose tea as raw material, and refine it into Tuo tea, which has a beautiful appearance, compact and compact, solid and elegant. It is brownish red in color, bright in color, mellow in taste and long in fragrance. The other is made of high-quality green wool tea from the tea area in southern Yunnan, which has the characteristics of dark and moist color, clear soup color, fragrance, mellow and sweet.


    2024-06-14 18:01:39

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