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But don't ask again (about the basic details of asking again)

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But don't ask again (about the basic details of asking again)


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  • 2024-06-18 20:02:28

    1. Farewell is an ancient poem with five characters written by Wang Wei, a poet of Tang Dynasty.

    2. This is a poem to send a friend to seclusion. It uses question and answer to tell the reason for his seclusion from his friends.

    3. It also shows the poet's complex thoughts and feelings. The poet's concern and love for his friends not only comforts his admiration for his friends' reclusive life, but also shows that the poet is dissatisfied with his own reality.

    4. The language of the whole poem seems prosaic, but the last two sentences add poetic flavor. It can be said that the words are shallow and deep, and contain endless meanings.

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