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Sisi (Basic details about Sisi)

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Sisi (Basic details about Sisi)


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  • 2024-06-22 12:01:36

    1. Princess Sisi (full name: Elizabeth Amelie Eugenie; Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie; December 24, 1837 - September 10, 1988), the Duchess of Elizabeth of Bavaria is the wife of the Austrian emperor Franz Joseph I, the Austrian queen and the Hungarian queen, and a member of the Bavarian royal family Wittelsbach.

    2. Married to Franz Joseph at the age of 16, she once had a huge dispute with Princess Sophie of Bavaria over the issue of child rearing.

    3. After giving birth to the heir Rudolph, the court's status improved.

    4. 1867 brought about the birth of the Austro Hungarian Empire.

    5. In 1898, he was assassinated by Italian anarchist Luigi Lucerney in Geneva, Switzerland, and died.

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