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Ningbo Drum Tower (basic details about Ningbo Drum Tower)

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Ningbo Drum Tower (basic details about Ningbo Drum Tower)


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  • 2024-06-08 22:01:33

    1. Ningbo Drum Tower was built in the first year of Changqing of the Tang Dynasty (821), with a history of more than 1100 years.

    2. It is a symbol of Ningbo's official statehood and city establishment in history.

    3. Ningbo Drum Tower is the only remaining ancient city building site in Ningbo, and is one of the ancient buildings under the key protection of national cultural relics.

    4. Visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of Ningbo City by climbing the stairs.

    5. There are large and small stalls, which attract many foreign tourists to visit this scenic spot.

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