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What is the meaning of "let one ball/half ball"

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What is the meaning of "let one ball/half ball"


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  • 2024-06-13 21:00:00

    A draw/half a hemisphere - the home team and the visiting team are half tied, and half let the visiting team have a hemisphere. The home team lets the ball side lose half; If you win more than one goal (including one goal), you will win all the games in the hanging plate. If the home team lets the player lose, you will lose all the games.

    1. A tie set (0) is a tie - it means that whoever wins (regardless of the number of goals) will win and whoever buys it will lose. Tie (0) Both sides are tied, and the chances of winning are the same. If the two teams are tied, the principal will be returned; A draw is usually not even, and it is not good for the dealer, because a draw can only draw 5% of the handling fee, and the profit is too thin.

    2. Flat hand/half ball (0/0.5) Flat hand/half ball - let the player lose half; Win more than one ball (including one ball) and win the whole set.

    3. Hemisphere plate (0.5) Hemisphere (0.5) - let the player draw or lose all, win one goal. Extended data: The winning/losing calculation in the set is the rule of letting the ball go. The more common rules of making the ball set are as follows: the two sides of the tie hand set are flat, the ball is not allowed to be tied with each other/the half of the half is lost in the half, the half is won by one goal difference, the half is won by one goal difference, the half is won by one goal difference, the half is won by two goals difference, the half is won by one goal difference, the half is lost by one goal difference, the half is won by two goals difference, the half is won by one goal difference, the half is lost by one goal difference, Two goal difference All win Half win All lose, Two goal difference All win Half/Two goal difference All lose, Two goal difference All win Half, Three goal difference All win Two goal difference Even, Three goal difference All win Two goals/Two goal half lose, Three goal difference All win Three goals All win Two goals

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