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How long should the shelled peanuts be cooked

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How long should the shelled peanuts be cooked


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  • 2024-06-13 15:01:37

    Shelled peanuts usually need to be boiled for 20-30 minutes before they can be cooked. Before cooking, the shells of peanuts need to be washed several times, and then soaked in water for two hours. A little salt in the water can improve the taste of peanuts. After soaking, remove the roots at both ends of the peanuts. It is better to make a small hole to make the peanuts taste more delicious.

    1、 How long does it take to cook shelled peanuts

    Peanuts with shells need to be boiled for a long time, at least 20-30 minutes, because there are some impurities such as dirt on the shells of peanuts. It is necessary to wash the peanuts first, and then soak them in water for two hours. Soaking can also soften the peanut shells, so the boiled peanuts will taste better. Cooking peanuts for too long will cause peanuts to taste tasteless.

    The surface of peanuts is uneven, which is difficult to clean by direct friction. They should be washed several times before being immersed in water. A little edible salt in water will make peanuts more crispy. After soaking, the roots at both ends of the peanut need to be removed, and a small hole can be opened. When cooking, the soup can enter the inside of the peanuts, making the boiled peanuts more delicious.

    When buying peanuts, you should pay attention to selecting high-quality peanuts. First, look at the shells of peanuts. If the shell is yellow, the lines on the shell are very clear. After the peanut is peeled, the kernel inside is reddish brown. This kind of peanut is better. Some inferior peanuts have smaller kernels, so we can shake them with our hands. If the vibration is large, the peanuts inside will be smaller.

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