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First place in hypoglycemic food (hypoglycemic food)

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First place in hypoglycemic food (hypoglycemic food)


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  • 2024-06-13 23:01:39

    1、 What are the foods that can reduce blood sugar

    Hypoglycemic drugs are very important for diabetic patients. Because it is a lifelong metabolic disease, it is often accompanied by a variety of diseases, which has a great impact on the health and quality of life of patients. In addition to conventional drug treatment, diabetic patients can also achieve certain effects by eating more related foods. Let's take a look at the specific categories of hypoglycemic foods. Very detailed!


    Buckwheat, oats, corn, job's tears, black rice, soybeans, black beans, mung beans, cowpeas.


    Pepper, pumpkin, balsam pear, aloe, konjac, winter melon, onion, asparagus, mushroom bean sprouts, carrots, Chinese cabbage, kelp, leek, cucumber, straw mushroom, matsutake, Flammulina velutipes, white radish, eggplant, zucchini, kale, spinach, amaranth, bracken, cabbage, undaria pinnatifida, cactus, purslane.


    Loach, eel, clam meat, pig pancreas, squid, black bone chicken, carp, beef, silkworm pupa.

    Fruit series

    Grapefruit, cherry, strawberry, apple, olive, fig, watermelon, Hami melon, peach, litchi, kiwi, pineapple.

    Nut series

    Cashew nuts, walnuts, peanuts, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds

    And edible oil drinks and condiments.

    Olive oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, ginger, green tea, black tea, garlic, vinegar

    Other hypoglycemic foods

    Astragalus, jerusalem artichoke, hawthorn, lotus seed, polygonatum odoratum, kudzu root, yam, polygonatum, radix rehmanniae, radix platycodon, cortex digitalis, ginseng, propolis and royal jelly.

    2、 Dietotherapy for lowering blood sugar

    Dietary diabetes is a very worrying thing for patients. Today, Bian Xiao specially selected several diet treatments suitable for lowering blood sugar for you. The ingredients are very common. You may pay attention to them.

    Banana porridge

    250g bananas, 100g rock sugar, 100g japonica rice. Peel and dice the bananas. Wash the rice, soak it in water for 2 hours, remove it and drain it. Add 1000ml of clear water to the pot, add rice, boil it over high heat, add diced bananas and rock sugar, and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

    Hawthorn Lotus Leaf Tea

    Hawthorn 15g, fresh lotus leaf 50g, boiled water for tea. It has the effects of lowering blood pressure, lowering blood fat, clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. It is suitable for patients with hyperlipidemia, hypertension, liver fire, headache, summer heat, thirst, etc.

    Chrysanthemum Hawthorn Tea

    Hawthorn 10g, chrysanthemum 10g, fried Zidai tea, once a day. It has the effect of lowering blood pressure and blood fat. Suitable for high

    Apple and Hawthorn Juice

    200g apples, washed and chopped with skin; Hawthorn 50g (cored), washed and chopped. Put it into a household mixer, mix it at high speed to form a paste, remove the residue, filter the juice, and boil it over low heat. Take it in the morning and evening. It can calm the liver, lower blood pressure and soften blood vessels. It is especially suitable for patients with arteriosclerosis.

    3、 What methods can reduce blood sugar

    Simply paying attention to diet is not enough to reduce blood sugar. If supplemented with other methods, such as sports, the effect will be better! Let's have a look!

    Hypoglycemic exercise

    Increasing exercise can promote energy metabolism and help reduce blood sugar. Exercise should follow the principle of perseverance, acting according to one's ability and step by step. Common methods to reduce blood sugar include housework, walking, shadowboxing, cycling, and mountain climbing. According to personal conditions, you can do some intense sports, such as running, playing basketball, etc.

    Hypoglycemia of pig pancreas

    Zhu Xingping, baked and ground pig pancreas into powder, can take it directly twice a day with a spoonful to reduce blood sugar. Long term use has obvious effect on lowering blood sugar and maintaining blood sugar stability.

    Balanced motion

    Support the wall with both hands and stand with both feet side by side, so that the upper body leans forward to increase muscle tension. Keep it for about 15 seconds each time, and do it 3-5 times, mainly to move the upper limbs.

    4、 What can pregnant women eat to lower blood sugar

    During pregnancy, pregnant women must pay attention not to have too high blood sugar. High blood sugar during pregnancy is not only harmful to pregnant women, but also to the baby in the belly! In addition to eating yams to reduce blood sugar, eating carefully on diet can also effectively control blood sugar. What do pregnant women eat to lower blood sugar?

    Eat about 300 grams of carbohydrates every day, but we need to have certain requirements for the source of carbohydrates. Polysaccharides such as rice and wheat should be given priority, and pure sugar products such as honey, syrup, maltose and desserts with high sugar content should be strictly restricted.

    Try to choose varieties with low glycemic index for cereal staple foods, such as oatmeal, corn flour, buckwheat flour, etc.

    Eat more green fresh vegetables, supplement protein, and supplement 15-25g on the original basis every day, calcium, iron, iodine, etc. Help pregnant women recover and ensure the normal food for the fetus.

    1. Porphyra is rich in Porphyra polysaccharide, protein, fat, carotene and vitamins, among which Porphyra polysaccharide can significantly reduce fasting blood sugar. Diabetics can eat laver before meals to reduce blood sugar. Generally, laver can be used to make soup.

    2. Auricularia auricula contains Auricularia auricula polysaccharide, vitamins, proteins, carotene, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron and other minerals, among which Auricularia auricula polysaccharide has hypoglycemic effect. Animal experiments showed that Auricularia auricula polysaccharide could reduce blood sugar in diabetic mice. Black fungus can be used for cooking or stewing, or as an ingredient.

    3. Ancient literature records that balsam pear can cure "thirst quenching" (equivalent to modern diabetes). According to modern clinical reports, Momordica charantia extract has significant hypoglycemic effect, and the effective rate of Momordica charantia tablet in treating diabetes is 79.3%. Balsam pear can be used in soup or cold dishes, or it can be squeezed or dried to make tea.

    4. Carrots contain many kinds of carotene, vitamins and anthocyanins. The experiment shows that carrot extract has obvious hypoglycemic effect. Carrots can be eaten raw, mashed and squeezed, or used as food materials.

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