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Babao Douchi (a specialty of Mengyin County)

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Babao Douchi (a specialty of Mengyin County)


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  • 2024-06-14 21:01:42

    1. Produced in Linyi, it is a famous pickle created in the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty. According to legend, it was initially made by a pickle chef in Mengyin. Later, a sauce garden called "Weiyizhai" in Linyi city took over mass production, which was widely spread. Babao lobster sauce is made of big black beans, eggplant, almonds, fresh ginger, perilla leaves, fresh Chinese prickly ash, sesame oil and liquor. First, boil, ferment and dry the big black beans, then marinate the eggplant and Chinese prickly ash with salt, mix them according to a certain proportion, add sesame oil and white spirit into the vat, mix them well, and fill the jar to seal them for natural fermentation. It will be finished after more than years of drying. When the jar is opened, the lobster sauce is shiny and black, with a strong fragrance. It has the effects of invigorating the spleen and stomach, supplementing qi and blood, dispelling wind and cold, activating muscles and bones, regulating qi and eliminating dryness, promoting the circulation of lung and tonifying the kidney, etc. It was once rated as a provincial high-quality product.

    2. Babao Douchi, also called Douchi for short, is one of the specialties of Linyi. It was first produced in the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty and has a history of more than 200 years. In 1983, it was rated as a provincial high-quality product, and in 1992, it won the Gold Award of National Expo Boutique, and in 1995, it won the Gold Award of China Famous and Excellent Boutique. Fei Xiaotong, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, cheerfully wrote the inscription of "Qilu famous product, mellow fragrance" after tasting it. This kind of pickle is brewed from 8 kinds of raw materials, namely big black beans, eggplant, fresh ginger, almonds, fresh Chinese prickly ash, perilla leaves, sesame oil and liquor, so it is called "Babao Douchi". It has become one of the famous local foods in Linyi with its rich nutrition, mellow fragrance, satiety relief and convenient eating.

    3. About the origin of lobster sauce, it is said that during the Daoguang period, there was an old mother in Duozhuang (now in Mengyin County), Yizhou Prefecture, Shandong Province, who was very intelligent. She used big black beans, eggplant and sesame oil as the main raw materials to pickle the pickles, which were very delicious and named lobster sauce. Peng San, a soy sauce master in Duozhuang, learned the art of making fermented soybeans from her. Later, Master Peng was hired by the famous "only room" soy sauce garden in Linyi City to make lobster sauce. The "Unique Room" soy sauce garden has collected the famous masters' skills and formulas for making lobster sauce from all over the country, and has made continuous research and improvement in practice, and finally developed a unique style of Linyi flavor lobster sauce.

    4. Nutrition:

    5. Linyi Babao lobster sauce is rich in protein, vitamins, glutamic acid, lysine, asparagus and other nutrients. It has health functions such as warming the spleen, supplementing qi and kidney, nourishing dryness, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals.

    6. Health care effect:

    7. The production of lobster sauce has a long history. It is recorded in the Valley of Compendium of Materia Medica in the Ming Dynasty that "lobster sauce can be made from all kinds of soybeans, and black beans can be used as medicine. There are light lobster sauce and salty lobster sauce, and the treatment of diseases is mostly made with light lobster sauce and salty ones, which should follow the method".

    8. Chinese medicine scholars believe that Babao lobster sauce can appetizes, clear food, promote lung and regulate qi, reduce adverse reactions, stop vomiting, dissipate phlegm and facilitate orifices, which is of great benefit to the human body. Black beans warm and invigorate the spleen, eggplant invigorates the qi and kidney, fresh ginger appetizes and stops vomiting, almonds expel the lung and stop coughing, fresh flowers and peppers warm and cool, perilla leaves wide and moderate to reduce adverse reactions, sesame oil nourishes and moistens dryness, and liquor relaxes muscles and invigorates collaterals. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica by Li Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty, "Black beans can be used for all kinds of soybeans, and black beans can be used as medicine. There are light soybeans and salty soybeans, and the treatment of diseases is mostly with light soybeans juice and salty soybeans, which should follow the method."

    9. Most of the lobster sauce produced in various places is dry lobster sauce, but Babao lobster sauce has juice. Babao lobster sauce has fine technology. Generally, the eggplant is mixed and jared in the first year when it is ripe, fermented in sunlight for 10-12 months, and the finished product is produced before and after the Mid Autumn Festival of the next year. After unsealing, the color is crystal clear, each pearl is bright and fragrant. It has the characteristics of mellow fragrance, greasy and refreshing, rich nutrition, convenient eating, etc., and has a high market reputation. In addition to the province and Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and other places, it is also exported to Japan and Central Africa.

    10. Nowadays, by adjusting the formula and manually controlling the fermentation temperature of lobster sauce, the fermentation period of lobster sauce has been shortened from one year to six months, and the yield has been greatly improved, while maintaining the original flavor.

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