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Interpretation of the Last Goddess List (the Last Goddess List)

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Interpretation of the Last Goddess List (the Last Goddess List)


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  • 2024-06-14 00:01:37

    1. The last name list of the Gods in the Godhood Chronicle: Huang Tianhua (the leader of the Three Mountain Zhengshen Bing Linggong), Huang Feihu (the God of Benevolence and Sage of Tianqi in the East Mountain Taishan), Chongheihu (the Holy Emperor of Sitianzhao in the South Mountain Hengshan), Wen Pin (the Holy Emperor of Zhongyue Songshan Zhongtian Chongsheng), Cui Ying (the Holy Emperor of Antianxuan in the North Mountain Hengshan), Jiang Xiong (the Holy Emperor of Golden Heaven Wish in the West Mountain Huashan), Wen Zhong (the Nine Heavenly Days should be popularized by the Thunder God of Yuan) God of Lightning (Holy Mother of Golden Light), God of Wind (Han Zhixian).

    2. The Goddess List is a 40 episode ancient costume myth drama produced by Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Directed by Liu Shiyu, written by Zhang Huabiao and Zhu Jingqi, and co starred by Chen Haomin, Ye Xuan, Wen Bixia, Qian Jiale, Li Jiasheng, Yuan Qiongdan and Yuan Hua.

    3. The play tells the story that Jiang Ziya led Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, Yang Jian and Tuxing Sun to help King Wu conquer Zhou.


    2024-06-14 00:01:37

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