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Zhang Jie (basic details about Zhang Jie)

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Zhang Jie (basic details about Zhang Jie)


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  • 2024-06-25 00:01:36

    1. Zhang Jie, female, born in 1987, is 175cm tall and weighs 62kg.

    2. He joined the Beijing Swimming Team when he was 14 years old. He once joined the national swimming team for training. He graduated from the Department of Sports Training, Beijing Sport University, majoring in swimming. He is an intermediate coach of the China Swimming Association, a national athlete. He is now the swimming coach in the open water of Beijing Sport University.

    3. On the afternoon of 15th, 2010, Zhang Jie challenged the waters of Qingjiang Gallery, which is 50 kilometers away, by continuous and uninterrupted crossing. She wanted to create a new record in her crossing career here.

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