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Does your diet make you depressed

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Does your diet make you depressed


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  • 2024-06-14 20:00:00

    If you suffer from depression, it is likely that you have sought help from various resources. Whether you are talking to a therapist, taking prescriptions, visiting friends, running in the morning, attending church services, or all of the above, you have not exhausted all options. You may have been neglecting a part of the treatment of emotional disorders, which may have a major impact on your diet.

    Although the things in your kitchen may not be the only factor in your depression, it may be an important part of this equation. Mental health is very complex, involving more than just what you eat. Having said that, food will have an impact. Therefore, if you have any of the habits described below, there is no harm in taking these adjustments as your diet with a view to alleviating them.

    It is not wrong to indulge in a glass of wine from time to time; According to a study by BMC Medicine, moderate drinking of 2-7 cups a week can actually alleviate depression. The key word is "moderate" because heavy drinking will have the opposite effect, which is due to the inhibition of alcohol on excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain and the increase of inhibitory neurotransmitters. Professor Paul Wallace, the chief medical adviser of Drinkware, told the Huffington Post, "Alcohol is a sedative, which has the same effect as a sedative, and will slow down your brain process."

    Therefore, heavy drinking is usually associated with depression. A study in the journal Addiction found that people with alcohol use disorder or depression were twice as likely to suffer from another disease as those with the latter, and alcohol was more likely to lead to serious depression. According to a study in the journal Mental Health Nursing, especially among college drinkers, higher alcohol consumption is associated with more severe depression. If this is not enough to convince you to toss sauce, then alcohol is also one of the 20 foods that make you 20 years old.

    Don't let driving through become your first choice. According to a study of public health nutrition, people who eat fast food are 51% more likely to suffer from depression than those who do not eat fast food. So if you can help, stop eating hamburgers and chips and make room for fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish and whole grains. Dr. Andrea Vazzana, a psychiatrist at the Langney Children's Research Center of New York University, said: "These people are more likely to support positive emotions than those who eat a typical Western diet characterized by red meat, processed meat, candy and fast food. "This mood improvement may be more related to weight loss, which can change our diet, but either way, it sounds like a victory for us.

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