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Prut River March (about Prut River March)

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Prut River March (about Prut River March)


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  • 2024-06-17 03:01:36

    1. The march on the Prut River was a combat action taken by the Russian army during the Russian Turkish War.

    2. After the Swedes failed in the Battle of Poltava, the Turkish government reaffirmed the peace treaty signed with Russia.

    3. At the same time, the Turkish ruling group, in order to recover the losses suffered in the Constantinople Treaty, attempted to take retaliatory action and moved the border with Russia from the Black Sea to Russia.

    4. On November 20, 1710, at the instigation of Swedish King Charles XII and with the diplomatic support of Austria and France, Turkey declared war on Russia.

    5. This made Russia face a serious situation, because the war between Russia and Sweden was still going on at that time.

    6. However, when formulating the strategic plan of the war, the Russian General Command took into account the situation of Turkey's European territories: the people of the Balkan Peninsula under the yoke of Turkey had placed their hopes for liberation on the victory of Russia in the Turkish war; Serb leaders, as well as the Moldavian Gongkangzemir and Valachia announced that Lankovan kept in touch with Russia.

    7. Therefore, the Russian headquarters expected that the anti Turkish uprising residents in the Turkish ruled areas would support the Russian army and provide food for the Russian army, so it decided to carry out an offensive war.

    The introduction of the Prut River march in this article is over, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-17 03:01:36

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