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Xushui Comprehensive High School (basic details about Xushui Comprehensive High School)

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Xushui Comprehensive High School (basic details about Xushui Comprehensive High School)


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  • 2024-06-20 00:00:51

    1. Hebei Xushui Comprehensive High School was founded in August 1999. It is located in the comprehensive high school on the north side of Tianjin Baoding Highway, covering an area of 162 mu, with a building area of 22000 square meters, including comprehensive buildings, multi-functional restaurants, student apartments, etc., including 37 standard classrooms, computer rooms, multimedia voice rooms, physics, chemistry, biology laboratories, and libraries.

    2. The school has successively won the titles of "Hebei Demonstration Ordinary High School", "Hebei Modern Educational Technology Experimental School", "Hebei Garden Type Unit", etc.


    2024-06-20 00:00:51

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