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The meaning of singing orioles in the shade of summer (the last sentence of singing orioles in the shade of summer)

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The meaning of singing orioles in the shade of summer (the last sentence of singing orioles in the shade of summer)


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  • 2024-06-16 03:00:00

    1. Mango birds sing in midsummer. The last sentence of the tree was: A white egret flew over the quiet marsh. The meaning of this poem is that several egrets fly out of the vast and quiet rice fields, and some orioles sing in the shade of the green. This sentence comes from the creation of Wang Wei, a poet of Tang Dynasty, in "The Works of Wangchuan Village in Accumulated Rain". The whole poem is as follows:

    2. Rain water was stored in the forest, and smoke slowly came out, steaming quinoa wheat and cooking millet eastward.

    3. An egret flew over the quiet marsh, and a mango bird sang on the tree in midsummer.

    4. I learned to watch morning glory calmly in the mountains and eat sunflower seeds with dew under the pine branches.

    5. Why should I frighten seagulls, even if I think about it, when I give the honorary position to any rough person?

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