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The tree (about the basic details of the tree)

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The tree (about the basic details of the tree)


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  • 2024-06-06 14:01:35

    1. The Tree is a prose written by Wang Dingjun, a contemporary essayist.

    2. This article describes the story of a big tree that has benefited mankind for many years and was finally felled by mankind. It expresses the author's regret for its fate, as well as his deep thinking and deep emotion about the advantages and disadvantages of the development of urban civilization and the relationship between man and nature.

    3. The article uses the technique of holding things for allegory, mainly describes and narrates, rarely discusses, and uses images to move people's hearts, so it is easy, simple and beautiful to write.

    4. This article was selected into the textbook "Chinese · Grade 9 · Volume 2" published by the People's Education Press.

    The basic details of the tree in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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