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The age of giant insects (introduction to the basic details of the age of giant insects)

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The age of giant insects (introduction to the basic details of the age of giant insects)


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  • 2024-06-06 15:00:00

    1. The Carboniferous period is about 286 million to 360 million years ago, which can be divided into two periods: the Early Carboniferous period (also called the Mississippi period, 320 million to 360 million years ago), and the Post Carboniferous period (also called the Pennsylvania period, 286 million to 320 million years ago).

    2. The Carboniferousperiod is the fifth period of the Paleozoic era, which started from about 355 million to 295 million years ago and lasted for 65 million years.

    3. During the Carboniferous period, the land area increased continuously, and the terrestrial organisms developed unprecedentedly.

    4. At that time, the climate was warm, humid and swampy.

    5. Large scale forests appeared on the mainland, creating favorable conditions for the formation of coal.

    The basic details of this article about the age of giant insects have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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