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Tian Huangshi Seal (Introduction to the basic details of Tian Huangshi Seal)

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Tian Huangshi Seal (Introduction to the basic details of Tian Huangshi Seal)


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  • 2024-06-06 06:01:36

    1. Tianhuang seal is expensive and rare.

    2. In order to understand its characteristics and avoid mistakes, we must make a scientific analysis of the materials used for Tianhuang seal.

    3. The seal of Tianhuang in this photo is Tianhuang Wang It's expensive Tian Huang Jelly.

    4. According to the cloud, it was the last emperor of the year, Puyi, who enjoyed it.

    5. After being identified by Lian Shaoqing, an authority of ancient jade in the Forbidden City, and signed by himself, the certificate was issued as: "163g. Light yellow field yellow stone seal.

    6. The overall color is light yellow, and the stone is characterized by pit stones.

    7. It is a turnip with obvious red veins and fine thin surface patterns. It is a work of late Qing Dynasty and has high collection value.

    8. "According to the Shoushan Stone Annals, Tian Huang was formed millions of years ago at the end of the Tertiary Period. Some ores of Shoushan Stone Mine were eroded by wind and rain, separated from the deposit and scattered on the foundation rock beside the stream, gradually covered by sand, forming alluvial placer deposits in the fields and under the river beach.

    9. The field stone is buried in the sand and has been acidified for a long time. The surface of the stone is iron, which causes the stone color to be thick outside and light inside, producing the color skin and "radish grain" and other characteristics.

    10. Tianhuang is produced at the bottom of a stream about 8 kilometers long and paddy fields beside the Shoushan River, which covers a total area of less than 1 square kilometers.

    The basic details of Tian Huangshi Seal in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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