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Play Style (basic details about play style)

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Play Style (basic details about play style)


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  • 2024-07-02 17:00:00

    1. "The Wind from Drama" is a kind of dialect program similar to the double reed program with Shandong flavor developed by the Film and Television Program Production Center of Shandong TV Station around September 2004.

    2. The form is rich in Shandong characteristics, and the materials are diverse, ranging from the famous Titanic to the children's comedy Cat and Mouse.

    3. Accurate dubbing and appropriate plot! It is very pleasing to the public and won a lot of applause.

    4. The first week of broadcasting caused quite a stir.

    5. It became an ace program of Shandong Cable at that time! "It's easy and funny, with a southern accent and a northern tune, the breeze is blowing in the face, and the entertainment is unlimited". The audience rating of "Play Wind", under the banner of the entertainment public, soared to 7% less than three weeks after its launch. Several advertising companies took the initiative to find it. American and Chinese companies named "Play Wind" of the film and television channel with 1.2 million yuan a year.

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