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Self made peach blossom paste (self made peach blossom powder)

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Self made peach blossom paste (self made peach blossom powder)


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  • 2024-06-14 07:00:53

    1. Self made peach blossom powder needs to dry the picked fresh peach blossom in the shade, remove the pedicel, pound the petals into powder, seal them with plastic bags to prevent moisture absorption. If it is used for a long time, it is recommended to store it in the environment of - 18 to - 20 ℃. If it can be used up in a short time, it is recommended to store it at 0-5 ℃.

    2. It is not recommended to apply peach blossom powder directly on the face alone, which has little effect. You can use peach blossom powder mixed with honey or milk to make a mask, so as to achieve the effect of beauty, beauty and moisture.

    3. Peach blossom powder mask:

    4. After mixing peach blossom powder and angelica powder, add proper amount of honey to mix evenly, apply it on the face, and wash it after 20 minutes. The peach blossom angelica mask can whiten and remove spots, nourish the skin, and make the skin white and ruddy.

    5. You can also take a tablespoon of wax gourd kernel powder, peach blossom powder and orange peel powder respectively, add physiological saline to mix them evenly, apply them on the face, and wash them with clean water when the mask is half dry. This mask can whiten the skin, awaken the vitality of the skin, and improve the dark skin caused by staying up late. If you use it continuously for a week, you will obviously feel the skin is white and shiny.

    6. In addition, sensitive skin must undergo a sensitivity test before deciding whether to use peach blossom powder mask. For people with pollen allergy, self-made peach blossom mask is not recommended.


    2024-06-14 07:00:53

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