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Trademark search (introduction to basic details of trademark search)

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Trademark search (introduction to basic details of trademark search)


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  • 2024-06-25 03:00:00

    1. Trademark search, a professional term, is spelled as sh ǎǎǒǒǒǒǒǒ, which generally refers to the query and search in the China Trademark Office.

    2. Or entrust an agency to help you search the trademark.

    3. Trademark search is a trademark query. It is a trademark registration applicant or agent who goes to the Trademark Office to inquire whether the trademark applied for registration is the same or similar to the trademark of the prior right, so as to know whether the trademark he intends to apply for registration is confused with the trademark already registered by others.


    2024-06-25 03:00:00

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