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The most simple and direct method of interpreting hexagrams with six lines (the method of breaking hexagrams with the highest level of six lines)

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The most simple and direct method of interpreting hexagrams with six lines (the method of breaking hexagrams with the highest level of six lines)


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  • 2024-06-14 06:01:37

    1、 The Basic Analysis of Six Yaos

    1. After a divination is shaken, it will form a divination image. The first thing is to find out the god. If the god is not used in divination, it will become a worry.

    2. When starting to break divination, we should first analyze the use of gods. To see the use of gods, we must look at the original gods, because the original gods are the root of the use of gods.

    3. In the moving line, three in five elements help to use God, such as using God's wood. In the moving line, Shen Zichen synthesizes the water bureau to generate wood, which is auspicious. Lu horse and Lu are the official positions in the twelve palaces where Yang follows Yin and reverses. For example, Jia Lu is in Yin, and Yi Lu is in Mao. Horse refers to post horse. The first word of Sanheju is post horse, such as Ma Jushen in Yinwuxu, Ma Juyin in Shenzichen, and so on. All divinations that show Lu Ma are auspicious signs.

    4. The launched line starts with the moving line, and then we can see whether the changed line is empty or dead. If the changed line faces the sky, it is not an auspicious image.

    5. Chong means that the lines in the hexagram are washed away by the sun and the sun. Lin means that the lines in the hexagram are the same as those in the sun and the sun. For example, Ziri divines and Zizi uses God. This is called Lin, but it is not suitable to change the tomb, change the Jue, and change the Chong. For example, Ziri divines, and noon uses God. There are also sub lines in the hexagram to start up and overcome the noon fire. Of course, it is not conducive to the noon fire. At this time, we can see the moving lines turning into tombs, breaking away and curbing. Even if the sun and the sun come, it will not do much harm to the afternoon fire.

    6. Three punishments, such as Zi Mao phase punishment, have been applied for three punishments in the past, and will be executed in the afternoon. The way to overcome it is to overcome the five elements, such as gold against wood, wood against earth, earth against water, water against fire, and so on. All those who punish and use gods are omens.

    7. The world line represents our side, and the answer line represents another side. The world line indicates that my mind is not determined, while the answer line indicates that his mind is not true. It is all indecision, and things will change.

    2、 The Method of Deeply Analyzing the Divination Images of the Book of Changes

    8. In the divination, the green dragon holds the world to launch his life, the master has a celebration, and the white tiger launches the master has a fierce funeral. If the white tiger comes to Shen Youjin, it is called the white tiger holding the knife.

    9. It is also a document to describe the event of starting the land property of the master. In ancient times, it is also a document to describe the event of starting the land property of the master.

    10. Caiyao is the god of parents, and should not be launched. If it is moved, the main parents will be injured. Parents are the jealous gods of their children. If they start, their children will be harmed.

    11. The man is the official ghost line. If he wants to seek an official position, he should not let his descendants start it. If he wants to use the official ghost line, he should not start it. If he does, his official luck will be hindered. A woman is a wife's wealth line. It is the most taboo to ask for a wife when she is rich. If she moves, her wife will lose her wealth. So women suffer.

    12. When Zhan went out, the world line was launched, and his mind was set on going. It was a good thing. If Zhan got the wedding divination, he would not move, and it would also be bad for travel.

    This article is the most simple and direct way to interpret hexagrams. The hexagram breaking method of the highest level of the six trigrams has been shared here. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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