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Siji Goose (basic details about Siji Goose)

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Siji Goose (basic details about Siji Goose)


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  • 2024-06-06 08:01:38

    1. Four season goose in central Anhui is a medium-sized meat goose variety, which is a traditional meat goose variety in China. Its production area is located in Lujiang County along Chaohu Lake in Anhui Province and surrounding counties and cities.

    2. This variety is resistant to rough feeding, has strong disease resistance, lays many eggs, has strong nesting ability, and can lay and hatch eggs by itself.

    3. The meat is delicate, the slaughter rate is high, and it is rich in a variety of essential amino acids and trace elements.

    The basic details of Four Seasons Goose in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-06 08:01:38

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