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Weirong Electronics (basic details of Weirong Electronics)

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Weirong Electronics (basic details of Weirong Electronics)


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  • 2024-06-29 08:00:00

    1. Wei Wei, male, was born in Cangnan County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province in 1969.

    2. Weirong is the founder of Zhejiang Weirong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., currently the chairman and general manager of Zhejiang Weirong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., a member of the Communist Party of China, a national registered anti-counterfeiting technology expert, senior business operator, and doctor (studying).

    3. Visiting professor of Oujiang College of Wenzhou University, outstanding talent of Cangnan County, outstanding Communist Party member of Cangnan County, outstanding entrepreneur of Cangnan County; Vice Chairman of China Anti counterfeiting Industry Association, Vice Chairman of China Anti counterfeiting Technology Association of the Ministry of Public Security, Member of the National Anti counterfeiting Standardization Technology Committee, Vice Chairman of Zhejiang Financial Equipment Industry Association, Vice Chairman of Wenzhou Market Economy Association, Vice Chairman of Wenzhou Youth Entrepreneurship Promotion Association, and Chairman of Wenzhou Weishi Patriarchal Association.


    2024-06-29 08:00:00

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