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Evaluation of baby care device (baby care)

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Evaluation of baby care device (baby care)


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  • 2024-06-13 23:01:39

    1、 Baby care knowledge

    Infants are vulnerable to infection due to immature organ function, low immune function, poor temperature regulation. Nursing must be meticulous, scientific and reasonable. For novice parents, it is necessary to understand that baby care is a technical job. If you are not careful, adults and children may get sick easily. Usually parents need to pay attention to the quality of their baby's clothes and diapers, so that the baby can keep enough sleep. When feeding the baby, pay special attention to the amount of food and posture, care for the skin, and prevent colds.


    0-2 years old is the most important golden period for baby's organ development. It is recommended to choose "infant formula" with the composition closest to breast milk. If conditions permit, it is better to breastfeed. If milk is the best culture medium for bacteria, feeding utensils such as feeding bottles and pacifiers are culture dishes for bacteria breeding and growth. Therefore, before feeding baby milk powder, parents must thoroughly clean and regularly disinfect feeding utensils. In addition, we also need to pay attention to the formula of milk powder, adding water first and then milk powder.

    take a shower

    In order to clean the skin and reduce the possibility of infection and illness, parents should insist on bathing the baby every day. When bathing, the room temperature is 26~28 ℃, and the water temperature is 38~40 ℃. The bath water should be tap water. First, apply the baby shower gel on adults' hands or small towels, then apply it on the baby, then rinse the foam with water, and dry the whole body with towels. Finally, sprinkle some baby powder on the skin folds of armpit, neck, groin, etc.


    The baby's skin is weak. The clothes on his body, especially those close to his body, should be sewed with pure cotton cloth. It is comfortable to wear, easy to clean, and sterilized at high temperature. The baby will not have allergic reactions. The baby's clothes should be loose and plump, easy to wear and take off. Do not use buttons, clips or pins to prevent damage to skin and internal organs.

    Embark on a journey

    No matter what means of transportation you take, it is best for your baby to use the baby seat; Don't let the baby sit near the aisle, so that the baby will not be hit by passers-by or cars when he reaches out his little hand out of curiosity. When eating, playing and shopping, you must designate a special person to take care of the baby. Before traveling, first learn about the weather, food, accommodation and other conditions of the destination, and then prepare your travel belongings according to the local conditions. When you go out, your baby's clothes, food, drinks and other daily necessities must be prepared for emergencies.

    2、 Baby care products

    In order to reduce the burden of parents, especially when they have to take care of babies while taking care of their work, many businesses in the market have developed and launched some baby care products. Using these care products can effectively reduce the burden of parents. Let's take a closer look!

    Baby care equipment:

    The baby care instrument consists of two different transmitters and a synchronous wireless receiver. One is the humidification/sweating transmitter, which realizes the reminding function according to the humidity sensor and is placed on the lower inner layer of the diapers; 2、 The pedal crying transmitter can realize the reminding function according to the recognition action and sound sensor, and can be tied to the baby's calf or wrist. The advantage of this product is that it can realize remote wireless alarm, and of course, there is no obstacle within 100 meters. Dad can learn all kinds of information about the baby's wet urine, waking up, kicking the quilt and so on. for the first time. After taking care of the baby, mothers can handle other housework with ease.

    Baby urine reminder:

    Frequently take care of baby's urine and urine, so as to change diapers or diapers in time. Although many diaper products now have urine display designed to remind mothers to change diapers for their babies in time, they still need mothers to check before they know, and they often know when their urine is wet. The urination reminder can let the mother know the baby's wet urine at the first time and change the diaper in time. It is popular because of its quick response and moderate music sound.

    Lost alarm:

    After a baby learns to walk, it is as difficult to take care of as "herding sheep". When you want to give your baby enough free space, you should also make sure to move in a safe range. The anti loss alarm can intelligently set the distance alarm, which will automatically alarm when the baby leaves the set safe distance. Let parents know the baby's movements in time, so that the baby won't get lost.

    3、 Precautions for baby care

    Baby care is very particular. In addition to paying attention to ways and means, we also need to respect the baby's own wishes. In addition, if the elders, such as grandparents, bring the baby, in order to avoid the elders doting on their grandchildren, parents should share educational ideas with the elderly in advance. Next, let's take a look, baby care! What are the specific precautions

    1. If the elderly are looking after the baby, some problems need to be communicated with the elderly in advance. Generally, the elderly will especially love the younger generation of their grandchildren, or even spoil them, which is very detrimental to the growth of children. Parents are looking for time to let grandparents take care of their children. They should communicate well with their elders and not spoil their children too much.

    2. Early education is not equal to intellectual development. The baby is still young. In the nursing process, do not overemphasize the indoctrination of knowledge. It is wrong to regard education as a one-sided understanding of imparting book knowledge and equate intellectual development with prior skills training such as reading, writing and arithmetic. Dad can make the baby's sense of vision, hearing, smell and touch more sensitive in some ways, so that the baby can experience life by himself, accept different stimuli, and make his own decisions, which is better for the baby.

    3. Respect the baby's desire to do things: respect the baby's legitimate requirements. Even if you think your baby moves too slowly, and you are worried that he will eat his own food and keep cool, you should also respect his own requirements for food. Treat the baby as an individual, respect his choice, and don't help him do what he should do because he is worried about his failure.


    5. Babies' metabolism is faster than that of adults, so they are also more afraid of heat. Although they should wear warm clothes in winter, they will feel uncomfortable if they wear too much in hot weather. In addition, their body temperature is easily affected by the outside world, so they must pay more attention to the changes of the environment when dressing them. Generally speaking, when adults feel cold and have to wear more clothes, they will wear one more for the baby; When adults feel hot and have to wear less, they will help the baby take off one more piece, and wear one more piece at night than during the day.

    4、 Advantages and disadvantages of baby sitting

    Because many mothers will choose to continue to work, if there is no one at home to take care of the baby, they usually choose to hire a nanny to take care of the baby. If the elders in many families lack childcare experience, they will also ask special nannies to take care of the baby. How much do you know about the advantages and disadvantages of baby sitting? Come and have a look!


    1. Provide one-on-one care for the baby, which is similar to the way parents look after their children. Since the caregiver only takes care of one baby, the child can get more attention and stimulation, and is more likely to establish an emotional bond with the nanny.

    2. Having a baby sitter take care of the child at home will make the child more suitable for the day when his mother goes to work. Although the mother is not at home, the surrounding environment is unchanged. The child is familiar with his own home and has a sense of security. Disadvantages:


    1. Many nannies will hold the baby to sleep and let the baby develop bad habits. When the baby cries when he sleeps, the aunt holds him tightly. After a long time, the baby must not only hold him to sleep, but also must hold him to sleep seriously.

    2. Snack for your baby at will: Many aunts use the favorite snacks to coax your baby as long as he cries. Over time, the baby developed a bad habit of eating snacks. This habit is likely to lead to malnutrition, dental caries and obesity.

    3. Be obedient to your baby and keep your baby away from your parents. Many babies know that they can make demands on the nanny aunt only a few months ago, but their parents are the ones who will say "no" to themselves. This not only makes the baby more and more angry, but also causes the baby to be close to the aunt and distant from the parents. The reason for this phenomenon is not only that parents do not spend as much time with their baby as aunts, but also because aunts unconditionally spoil their baby.

    4. It is unrealistic to let the baby lack exercise. It is unrealistic to expect aunts to take the baby to exercise actively. Most responsible aunts would rather let the baby ride more than do those risky sports when their parents are not around.

    5. The nurse aunt with bad behavior may have different words and deeds. For example, when the baby is unhappy, she will cheat her to say, "Baby, you have seen Grandma come to see you." However, Grandma did not come. As time goes by, the baby will think that no matter what the adults say, it will not attract her attention, just like the story of "the wolf is coming".

    5、 Advantages and disadvantages of full-time mothers caring for babies

    Although many mothers are not very willing to resign to take care of their children at home, they still resign to take care of their babies at home when they think of not wanting to miss the most critical growth period of their babies. While taking care of children at home, full-time mothers also worry about their lack of social competitiveness and lack of professional childcare experience. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages for full-time mothers to care for their babies. Let's have a detailed understanding.


    1. Let the mother have a full rest: if you can take care of the baby at home after the confinement, you can get enough rest both physically and mentally. At this time, the mother can breastfeed the baby at any time, which is much more convenient, not to worry about the reduction of milk volume due to work pressure, nor the problem of storing breast milk and feeding.

    2. Safety and security: If the baby is entrusted to the nanny, there may still be some worry. Of course, the mother can take the baby by herself to ensure the safety of the baby, so as to avoid the possibility of abuse and save a lot of worry.

    3. Cultivate parent-child relationship: If parents work for a long time and only have time to spend holidays with their children, the distance between them and their children may become more and more strange. The age of 4 months to 3 years is an important period for the baby to establish an attachment relationship with the main caregiver. If the mother can concentrate and patiently interact with the child, it can strengthen the attachment relationship, promote parent-child feelings, and can understand every move of the child in a long-term relationship.

    4. Let the other half work at ease: when both parents are office workers, they may face a dilemma, such as who will take leave to take care of the baby when he is sick? If both parties are busy with their work, they may be unable to concentrate on work because they are worried about the situation of their children, and it is also easy for couples to have friction. Full time mothers can take care of the baby wholeheartedly, avoiding the other half's worries. If the baby has any condition, it can be properly handled in the first time.

    5. Implement the educational concept: entrust children to their elders and nannies to take care of them, and the concept of babies may be biased from childhood. Because parents and elders have different educational ideas, your children's life routines may not meet your expectations, and it is difficult to change when they grow up. If the elders dote on the baby, it is easy for the child to develop a bad temper and bad personality that will never change. Full fat mothers can implement their own educational philosophy when taking care of the baby, which is helpful for improving the child's intellectual development.


    1. Great economic pressure: The transition from a dual income family to a single income family with one more family member will significantly increase the family's economic pressure. So many mothers also choose to take care of their children while working. Although they are tired, they have no way to live.

    2. Disconnection from the society: Resigning to take care of children at home means that mothers will focus on their babies for a long time, and it is easy to be disconnected from the society. Many mothers are worried that if they do not seize the opportunity to enrich themselves, they may feel bored and worried because they are like a woman with a yellow face after a long time.

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